Policing the Prayer in Sectarian Islam:
Spaces, Temporalities, Coercion
(7th-15th Centuries)

Lieu : Università di Napoli L’Orientale
Date : 27-28 février 2025
Date limite de remise des projets : 15 juillet 2024

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The project Faire société: modèles normatifs et hétéronomie dans les islams minoritaires headed
by Cyrille Aillet (University of Lumière Lyon-2) and funded by the French Institute of Islamology
(2023-2026) is organizing together with the Università di Napoli L’Orientale the workshop entitled
Policing the Prayer in Sectarian Islam: Spaces, Temporalities, Coercion (7th-15th Centuries) to be
held on February 27 and 28, 2025 at the Università di Napoli L’Orientale. This workshop seeks to
energize new research perspectives on sectarian Islam (Shīʿism and Ibāḍism) from the formative
period of Islam to the 15th century.